As a Seventh-day Adventist secondary school, Gitwe Adventist Secondary School seeks to inspire its student to think deeply, to live fully, to serve unselfishly, and to honor God completely. It is committed to equal educational and employment opportunities for men and women, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, or national origin among students or employees or among applicants for admission or employment. Everybody who needs to spend a few time praying to God and sharing the word of God with other believers, can get that opportunity every morning and evening at CAG. |
Click here to send your own testimony or ideas to this web site | ||
If you are alumni and would like to send a "testimonial" (a few sentences about how CAG has prepared you for your current job or the advantages of attending there), email to us. We will add your name and graduation year. If you would like to include your current employer or location, a photo, and/or an Email link for others to contact you, please include that information. You may remove your information at any time by contacting us. Text prepared by Tuyikunde R. Innocent | ||